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Special Olympics USA Games underway in Seattle

The Special Olympics USA Games are officially underway in Seattle.
Seattle welcomes the 2018 Special Olympics USA Games

Thousands of athletes from around the globe are in Seattle for the Special Olympics 2018 USA Games.

The games celebrate Special Olympics' 50th anniversary as the organization works to promote acceptance and inclusion through sport. More than 4,000 athletes are taking part, including 16 from Washington state. Now through July 6, more than 4,000 athletes are competing in 14 sports including gymnastics, basketball, swimming, powerlifting, and standup paddle boarding.

The festivities kicked off Sunday after with the opening ceremony at Husky Stadium. Athletes representing all 50 states and the District of Columbia waved and smiled to cheers from spectators at the University of Washington.

Washington Gov. Jay Inslee welcomed the crowd and called attention to the youngest competitor, 8-year-old gymnast Frannie Ronan from his state.

The USA games take place every four years and promote acceptance and inclusion through sport while showcasing the abilities of people with intellectual disabilities.

Events are held at venues throughout the Seattle region this week, ending with Friday's closing ceremony.

Thursday, July 5

Young Athletes Festival at the Seattle Center, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

Sports and activities will be available for the next generation of athletes, ages 2 to 7 years old, with resources and guidance for parents.

Friday, July 6

Closing Ceremony and Lake Union Park, 7 p.m.

A short program honoring athlete successes will conclude the games. In addition to the ceremony, the celebration will include food trucks, street performers, and a live performance by the band Hey Marseilles.

For more information on these events as well as others, visit the Special Olympics USA Games website.

KING 5 is a proud media partner with Special Olympics Washington. We will support Team Washington at the 2018 games.

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