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Seattle social media stars 'Matthew & Paul' share their lives with the world

They have nearly 5 million followers across three social media platforms. #k5evening

SEATTLE — Like many couples today, Matthew and Paul first met each other the new fashion way: over the internet.

"We were both on a dating app and I found Paul's profile and I was like, 'wow, this is, you know, he's, he's great. He's interesting. He's cute. He's into so much,'" Matthew said.

What wasn't on Paul’s profile was the fact he was slowly going blind. 

"I was born with a genetic disease called Retinitis Pigmentosa. I like to describe it sort of like looking through a straw," said Paul. "I'm able to make eye contact with people when they're there talking to me. I can usually try to locate a corner of an eye and it looks as though I am making perfect eye contact when in fact I see very, very little."

But Paul's failing eyesight didn't make Matthew look away. The two dated, fell in love and eventually tied the knot. When work stopped for both during the pandemic, the two decided to start a podcast and produce videos to help promote it.

"While the podcast audience plateaued, the visual component of us being on social media kind of blew up," Paul said.

And blow up they did. Matthew and Paul have now become social media stars with more than a million followers on Instagram and YouTube, and over 2 million on TikTok.

"Our goal with social media is to be advocates, show what life can be like with a disability, and educate people about the spectrum of blindness," Paul said.

One of the most endearing aspects of their videos is the pranks Matthew plays on Paul. Despite Paul's blindness, the couple finds humor in their situation, though not everyone is laughing.

"There is a group of people that are like, 'this is mean, you shouldn't be doing this.' And so I like to say, you know, you should absolutely never prank a blind person unless you're probably first married to them," joked Matthew.

Their videos have also made a star out of Paul's guide dog, Mr. Maple.

"I swear, the only reason we have the following we do is because of our dog," Paul said. "People come up to us. There's Mr. Maple. Remember they don't know our names, they don't know are names."

Being content creators has now become a full-time job for both.

"We do five videos a week, five short-form, and one long-form on YouTube. It's a lot of work to edit them, come up with them, shoot them. A lot of things don't work," said Paul. "It takes a lot of our time, energy and effort, but we love doing it."

Credit: KING 5 Evening
Matthew and Paul shoot most of their video from their home in Seattle

Though they've amassed millions of followers worldwide, many don't know they make most of their content at home in Seattle.

"We leave our house now and people are saying hi to us across the street. Strangers know who we are and that can be sort of a surreal thing to experience," said Paul. "We want to invite people into our lives and make them feel like a fly on the wall or make them feel like they're part of this little family too you know."

In a world where social media can often feel superficial and mean, Matthew and Paul's story is a refreshing reminder of the power of love, laughter and resilience.

"I think everybody has a little bit of an opinion about what's out there, but I think we're doing our best to bring a positive energy," Paul said.

Matthew, Paul (and Mr. Maple) are on YouTube, TikTok and Instagram.

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