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Western Washington native Chris Pratt returns to theaters in 'The Garfield Movie'

The Lake Stevens High School graduate voices the title character in the animated family film. #k5evening

SEATTLE — If you hate Mondays but love lasagna, a new movie will speak to you.

“The Garfield Movie” is a new take on the beloved cartoon from the 1980’s, and the sarcastic cat is voiced by Lake Stevens native Chris Pratt.

He spoke with entertainment reporter Kim Holcomb about all things Garfield and his ties to Western Washington.

PRATT: "Nice to see you, Kim. What's going on?”

HOLCOMB: “I just realized that 2024 marks ten years since I interviewed you for the first time.”

PRATT: “Whoa."

HOLCOMB: "So what genre music should we put under our montage?”

PRATT: “I mean, we're Seattle folks. So, we have to put some Seattle music.”

HOLCOMB: “Like grunge?”

PRATT: “Yeah…. (singing) ‘Here we are now, entertainers.’ Right? Come on, we're both entertainers."

HOLCOMB: "Okay, ready for some rapid-fire Garfield questions?”

PRATT: “I'm ready.”

HOLCOMB: “They're going to be tough, we're going to go deep here. If you were going to slip into a food coma, what food justifies that for you?”

PRATT: “Bacon. (holds up piece of bacon) I'm bringing it as a prop so you have a prop for this. I'm eating bacon while we do this."

HOLCOMB: "He hates Mondays, but what is your favorite day of the week, or year, and why?"

PRATT: "I love a Saturday. Gotta love a Saturday, an early Saturday. Like, I didn't get after it too hard on Friday night, and I wake up bright and early and I have a full two days of being home and being off and hanging with the kids, that's nice. I love a Saturday."

HOLCOMB: "It is hard to top ‘Odie,’ but what is the best name that you have either given a pet, or heard another pet named?”

PRATT: “Ooh, I had Bonzo. I had a dog named Bonzo. My mom always used to say 'Bedtime for Bonzo,' I guess it was named for an old movie?”

HOLCOMB: “I think that was a Ronald Reagan movie, wasn't it?”

PRATT: “That's right, it was a Ronald Reagan movie. Hence, Bonzo.”

HOLCOMB: "Taking a nap is… fill in the blank.”

PRATT: “Extraordinary. I have my best dreams when I nap. I don't always take naps, I don't schedule them. When I need one, it means I'm really tired and I can fall asleep instantly, and when I do, there's nothing like a nap. It's the most restful sleep I get. I could sleep all night, 8 hours, and not get near the rest I get in a 15 minute nap.”

HOLCOMB: "You’ve got to have a spontaneous nap. Scheduling a nap kind of takes all the magic out of it.”

PRATT: “Yeah, you're right, you're right. Exactly. It's got to be spur of the moment, heat of the moment, good night."

HOLCOMB: "In this film, one of the themes seems to be that we don't always know what's going on with another person, maybe we've misinterpreted things that they've done. What do people misunderstand about you?"

PRATT: "Whew, that's a good one. That's a good question. Sometimes people assume because I'm a person of faith that I'm exclusive and don't love everybody. I think that's a misinterpretation. Anybody who really knows me knows that's not true. I've got so much love for everybody, no matter who you are, what your deal is, I love you. And maybe people don't understand that."

HOLCOMB: "You take care!”

PRATT: “Let's not make it another (year) - we've spoken probably every year for ten years at this point.”

HOLCOMB: “Almost every year. It's funny milk is such a big part of this movie, because I've milked your growing up here for all that it's worth. I'm out of good ideas, unless you take me to Stillwater Ranch.”

PRATT: (laughing) “That's it. That's what we're going to do next time. That's what we'll do.”

“The Garfield Movie” is rated PG and opens in theaters Friday May 24.

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