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Making Vietnamese noodle soup with Pho Bac

Pho Bac's Yenvy Pham stopped by New Day NW to show us how to make a traditional Vietnamese soup called pho. To learn more about Pho Bac and their various Seattle locations, click here.

Pho Bac's Yenvy Pham stopped by New Day NW to show us how to make a traditional Vietnamese soup called pho. To learn more about Pho Bac and their various Seattle locations, click here.

Beef Short Rib Pho from Pho Bac

(4-6 servings)


4 pounds of beef short ribs

1 large yellow onion - peeled and cut in quarters

4" ginger unpeeled - smashed or rough chopped

5 star anise

8 cloves

1 cinnamon stick

Seasoning: *baseline measurements, but season to desired taste.

2 tbsp salt

1 tbsp sugar

1 tsp msg

1 pound of fresh rice noodles (pho noodles)

1 cup of chopped cilantro, white onion and green onion medley



Lime wedges

Jalapeños or Thai chili diced


Black pepper

Sambal Chili Paste


Hoisin Plum Sauce

Add short ribs to a large 8 quart stock pot and bring them to a boil for about 10 to 15 minutes. Drain and rinse short ribs clean of debris.

Put short ribs back in a clean pot and fill the pot with water until just about full. Place the pot on high heat.

Add onions, ginger, all the aromatics and seasonings. Bring the pot to a boil then set to medium low to low for about 3 hours or until meat is tender.

Stir occasionally and skim off fat, foam and debris.

Once the ribs are tender and broth taste developed, take out short ribs and set aside. Drain broth over a mesh strainer to discard the onions, ginger and aromatics for a clear and smooth broth.

Place a pot of water to a boil for blanching noodles.

Place broth back on the stove and bring back to a boil. At this moment, you may add more seasoning to desired taste.

Once the pot of water is broiled, start with a a handful of fresh noodles and blanch with a strainer for about 10 seconds or until desired softness.

Transfer noodles to a big soup bowl, add two pieces of ribs, cilantro, onions and green onions. Once the broth comes to a roaring boil, ladle broth into the soup bowl until almost full.

Add your fixings and enjoy!

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