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Mercer Island HS Marching Band is returning to the Rose Parade

The band is also helping to support the Banda Escolar de Guayanilla from Puerto Rico, who suffered the devastation of Hurricane Maria.

The Mercer Island High School Marching Band is one of the largest in Washington State, with over 300 students. They have participated in London's New Year's Day Parade and have traveled to China and Australia. They will be returning this year, to play in the Rose Parade in Pasadena, CA. 

The drumline from the Mercer Island HS Marching Band performed for New Day. We also got to talk to Parker Bixby, the director of the Mercer Island band and Kayla Mitchell, the drumline section leader of the Mercer Island band about going to the Rose Parade for the third time.

Later in the show, Parker returned to share more about a fundraising project they're undertaking to help another school selected to march in the Rose Parade. In 2012, the Banda Escolar de Guayanilla (BEG) from Puerto Rico marched in the Rose Parade with Mercer Island and since then began a friendship. The BEG has suffered the devastation of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico and the Mercer Island band sought to help. So far, they have raised $55,000 for BEG, which will cover airfare and the hotel

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