KIRKLAND, Wash. — EvergreenHealth's Weight Loss & Bariatric Care Program takes a multidisciplinary approach. First, patients meet with a doctor to evaluate their history, current weight, and other contributing morbidity factors like diabetes, sleep apnea and depression, "We basically help formulate and personalize a plan that will best suit each patient and their success to living their best life," said EvergreenHealth's Dr. Sonia Hans, a board-certified physician who specializes in endocrinology, metabolism, and weight management.
Next, the doctor and patient work collaboratively to set goals and develop a care program. There are three pathways available for patients:
- The 6-month Healthiest Best Weight Loss Program is the foundation of the three and focuses on nutrition, accountability, and healthy living. During the intensive diet and lifestyle therapy program, patients see a nutritionist and a wellness coach twice a month, either one-on-one or in coached classes."Often, insurance can cover some things, so a lot of people are surprised. We are very blessed with our Washington plans that nutrition is covered."
- The Physician-Partnered Weight Loss Program complements the Healthiest Best Program. During this nonsurgical approach, patients are encouraged to work closely with physicians who can help patients better understand metabolic challenges and any existing medical conditions. "With that, we can kind of encompass different medications that might actually help them and allow them to reach their goals," explained Dr. Hans. This option may be a good fit if you have a body mass index (BMI) of 25 or greater.
- The Bariatric Surgery Program is usually attributed to patients with a BMI of 30 or greater, especially if that comes alongside negative health effects. "The metabolic dysfunction has just gone on too long that just diet and weight loss and medications are not going to be enough. And those patients have amazing results." In the surgery, the size of the stomach is significantly reduced, and there is sometimes 30-50% body weight loss. "If patients are actually undergoing the whole plan -- they undergo surgery and even the follow up after -- they do really well and there's reversibility of some of their conditions."
The EvergreenHealth Weight Loss & Bariatric Care Program is personalized for each patient and Doctors may recommend following multiple pathways which won't necessarily be in order. For instance, some patients choose to have bariatric surgery first, and follow-up with the Healthiest Best Program after they recover.
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