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KING Question: Is it legal to hunt migrating snow geese in Skagit Valley?

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildfire said waterfowl hunting season, which includes snow geese, was open as of late January.

SKAGIT, Wash. — It's time for Friday's "KING Question," where we get your questions answered about what's going on in your community.


Is it legal to use a shotgun during hunting season to shoot down migrating snow geese in Skagit Valley?



Janet from Skagit Valley wants to know if it is legal to kill migrating snow geese and shared screenshots she had seen of a hunter taking aim at a flock of geese.

The Washington Department of Fish and Wildfire (WDFW) said waterfowl hunting season, which includes snow geese, was open as of Jan. 29 when the photo was taken.

It was the last day of the general season which started in mid-October. 

There is another late-season hunt for snow geese that is from Feb. 11-21 in Skagit County and nearby areas.

The WDFW said many farmers or landowners allow hunting in their fields to try and prevent crop damage from the birds. There are certain areas where people can and can't hunt during the season, according to the WDFW.

The department said state and county public lands are typically open to "lawful hunting during regulated seasons" with the exception of state or county parks.

The limit for snow geese is 10 per day and the person must have a small game hunting license, a migratory bird permit and must keep a record of the number of geese they killed.

Do you have a question about something happening in your community that you would like the KING 5 news team to dig into? Email ask@king5.com and include your name, location and your question.


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