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Aberdeen City Council member charged with child rape

Detectives say Riley Carter confessed to sexual assault of a child under the age of 12.

ABERDEEN, Wash. — Aberdeen police arrested Aberdeen City Councilmember Riley Carter Tuesday night on multiple child rape charges.

Detectives said Carter confessed to detectives, admitting he sexually assaulted a child known to him over the past two years.

According to documents filed in court Wednesday, Carter told detectives he needed help and expressed remorse toward his victim.

Detectives said the victim is a child under the age of 12. 

Grays Harbor Judge Vini Samuel ordered Carter held on $100,000 bail after charging Carter with one count of rape of a child.

Voters elected Carter to the Aberdeen City Council in December of 2023.

On a public Facebook page, a person identifying themselves as Kasey Ann Morrison, Aberdeen’s council president, said the city should remove Carter from the council.

The post read, “This has been eye-opening and deeply disturbing. There are predators amongst us and it is not always plain for all to see just who they are – nor what sickening perversions lie inside them. You think you know someone.”

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