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Redmond police tell people not to walk alone after string of robberies

Redmond Police Chief Darrell Lowe suggests people do not walk alone and do not wear expensive jewelry when they do go out for a walk.

REDMOND, Wash. — Redmond police are warning people about an organized crime group targeting people walking in Redmond.

Redmond Police Chief Darrell Lowe suggests people do not walk alone and do not wear expensive jewelry when they do go out for a walk.

The message from the police chief comes after a string of crimes. 

Surveillance video from two weeks ago in Redmond’s Woodbridge neighborhood. The video shows a black SUV driving next to an woman standing by herself. Someone in the car then appears to call her over. 

After talking to the woman for about 20 seconds, another person from the backseat comes out of the car and begins grabbing the woman, trying to take a necklace from her. The woman can be heard refusing. Eventually, the robber is successful and gets in the car and drives away.

Police said this is one of five similar crimes that have taken place across Redmond since late in August. Police said the robbers are using a ruse of offering to trade jewelry that turns out to be fake, or just stealing the jewelry. 

"We believe the individuals involved in our recent crimes are connected to larger transnational organized crime group,” said Chief Lowe. “They have a potential Romanian connection, just based on how they operate and based on prior crimes in other jurisdictions."

Police said each victim has been an elderly East Indian person. 

"Crime of opportunity, yes. There is a similarity between the victims, but they are not specifically targeting the Asian community,” said Chief Lowe. “They are targeting individuals who are walking alone that are wearing expensive jewelry."

No arrests have been made.

The chief said they increased patrols in the areas where these crimes happened.
He also said the police department plans on setting up a public forum with the East Indian community to address some of the crimes that have taken place and to provide more tips to protect yourself from this organized crime group.

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