New comedy Book Club features a legendary cast, including Jane Fonda, Candice Bergen, Mary Steenburgen and Don Johnson.
Entertainment reporter Kim Holcomb talked to them about first kisses, body shapewear, and what younger audiences can get out of the film.
JOHNSON: "It's an opportunity for a more aware consciousness and dialogue to happen in families, as well as between each other."
FONDA: "I hope young people are less frightened about getting older because they will see that it can be a lot of fun."
HOLCOMB: "You guys have been doing this for a long time, some of you have known each other peripherally, but did you have a moment on set where you were like, ‘Wow. This is really something’?”
BERGEN: “No. (laughter)"
STEENBURGEN: “I did… The scene where we had to get Jane dressed, I'm staring at Jane Fonda's back, and it's like - I was almost distracted by how perfect her skin and everything is.”
BERGEN: “She's remarkable.”
HOLCOMB: "First kisses are always interesting in real life. What is it like on-set?"
FONDA: "It can be awkward, depending on the situation. In this case, it wasn't awkward. The only problem with it is – it was too short. (laughter)"
HOLCOMB: "I don't want to get too political here but I would like to know what your position is on Spanx?”
STEENBURGEN: “(laughing) My position is, only when you have to, and only in a dress or a skirt.”
BERGEN: “As I don't wear dresses, as I'm firmly against them, I never wear Spanx because it's just too punitive."
HOLCOMB: "What would your real-life book club look like?"
FONDA: "I know who my friends are that I'd want to have come to it. It wouldn't be 50 Shades of Grey, though. It would be Sex and World Peace or something like that."
HOLCOMB: "Would you serve wine?”
FONDA: “To those who drink wine. To those of us who drink vodka, there would be vodka. And then some tequila as well.”
JOHNSON: “I'm in!"
Book Club is rated PG-13 and is now playing in theaters.