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Governor Inslee calls on Washington companies to make medical gear for coronavirus fight

The governor has worked with several companies and the Association of Washington Business on the voluntary effort to create gowns, masks and other medical supplies.

OLYMPIA, Wash. — Recalling Washington’s manufacturing efforts in World War II, Gov. Jay Inslee called for the state’s manufacturers to volunteer to help create more equipment, including testing and medical gear, to help in the fight against the novel coronavirus.

He called for private companies and other manufacturers to help augment the one million pieces of equipment already supplied by the state and federal government, and hospitals and medical clinics.

"We know this, what we have done so far is not enough. We rather urgently need to increase the stocks of personal protective equipment," he said.

Companies and other manufacturers can get involved by going to a state website.

Inslee said that the state has requested equipment from the federal government.

“The federal government has not been able to supply them to us fast enough to meet the need,” he said.

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He said not only does the state need surgical masks, face shields and gowns, but also testing equipment such as swabs, testing medium and vials.

He said that the need is almost "infinite," given how many nurses, doctors, medical staff, firefighters and police officers need personal protective equipment, as well as people working in other essential services such as grocery store workers, transit workers and others who come into contact with the public.

“The fact of the matter is, we need to seize our own destiny,” he said, recalling the manufacturing of aircraft and other equipment during World War II.

"We have to put pedal to the metal on a voluntary basis in the state of Washington," Inslee said.

Some manufacturers had already announced plans to do this. Several local companies, including Nordstrom and Eddie Bauer, last week said they were creating tens of thousands of pieces of protective gear for distribution to hospitals. Other local companies, such as furniture company Kaas Tailored in Mukilteo, also had shifted to making medical gear.

Inslee gave his remarks at a press briefing on Wednesday. He was joined by Dan Nordstrom, CEO of Outdoor Research and Kris Johnson, President and CEO of the Association of Washington Business. 

Watch Inslee's briefing here:

Editor's note: There is a false report on social media that says Governor Inslee is requiring Washington students to repeat their grade level. The post appears to be coming from local TV news stations, including KING 5. We want to be clear: this story is not true. Someone is impersonating local media. The governor has NOT ordered students to repeat their grade. To be sure you are getting truthful content from us, make sure you are reading on king5.com, our KING 5 app, and our verified Facebook page. 

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