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Bloodworks Northwest calls for donations amid national shortage of Type O blood

It's a slow time of the year for blood donations so Bloodworks Northwest has incentives for donors.

SEATTLE — Bloodworks Northwest has a critical need for certain types of blood and they’re offering incentives for people to come in and donate with a campaign they're calling, Bold for Blood.

Ron Lim, the marketing coordinator for Bloodworks Northwest, said this is a typically slow time for blood donations since people are out of town or on vacations.

“During this time there’s a significant dip in our blood inventory. We need all types of blood, but there’s a national shortage of O type blood, O positive and O negative,” Lim said.

Their refrigerator shelves are almost bare in the lab at Bloodworks. They have to supply over 900 units of blood to the 100 hospitals throughout the Pacific Northwest, from Oregon to Alaska, every day.

Bloodworks Northwest really needs the community to roll up their sleeves to help out, so they’re offering incentives. Like a Discover Pass for state parks, backpacks and gas cards, an REI gift card, even a $500 Alaska Airlines vouchers.

But Lim with said that even if you come in for one of the incentives they hope you get the bigger picture.

“You know after you’ve done it the first time you really understand the impact you have in saving someone’s life. And hopefully it’s something you’ll want to do over and over again,” Lim said.

Bloodworks Northwest is open seven days a week with locations across the Pacific Northwest.

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