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Burning the nerves that cause back pain

There may be new hope for sufferers of chronic pain where conventional treatments have failed.

There may be new hope for sufferers of chronic pain where conventional treatments have failed. Proponents say it can stop the pain at its source, but it should only be pursued if conventional therapies have not worked.

Susan Benson is in pain all the time.

"It's taken over my life basically. I don't get to do the things I used to love to do," said Benson.

Because of chronic low back pain she gave up hope of ever feeling normal until she learned about a new procedure that works by burning the nerves that cause the pain.

"Because by burning the nerves, she can no longer feel pain from the joint and the pain isn't there," said Dr. Standiford Helm with the Disc Sports & Spine Center.

Using X-Rays for guidance, Dr. Helms inserts this device called "coolief" right into the painful area, then turns it on using radio waves to destroy the nerves without affecting other tissue.

"What the 'coolief' does that's unique is by cooling the tissues around the tip of the probe it prevents a charring from occurring," said Dr.Helm.

The procedure takes less than an hour and requires no cutting. Susan felt about about a week after her procedure.

James Rada had a much more dramatic result. Dependent on a walker after an undiagnosed back injury, he was in constant life-limiting pain.

"Pain was the worst pain I have ever known in my life," said Rada.

He improved within hours of undergoing the procedure.

"The pain dropped down to just an obnoxious little irritation. No pain," Rada said.

However, relief isn't always permanent since the nerves can grow back.

The procedure is available locally. To find a physician offering this treatment in your area, click here.

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