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Inslee: 'Ludicrous that we do not have a national effort' against coronavirus

Speaking on NBC'S Meet the Press with Chuck Todd, Gov. Jay Inslee called on the federal government to declare a stay home order to help flatten the curve.


On Sunday morning, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee called out the Trump Administration saying it was “ludicrous” that there is no national response effort to fight the coronavirus. 

Appearing on NBC’s Meet the Press with Chuck Todd, Inslee said there needs to be a national stay-home order to flatten the curve. 

“I think it would be good to have a national stay at home order and the reason is, is that even if Washington gets on top of this fully, if another state doesn’t, it can come back and come across our borders two months from now, so this is important to have a national success,” Inslee said. 

Inslee also added that the country needs to nationally mobilize using the Defense Production Act, to get companies to start making test kits and other products to fight the pandemic.

RELATED: Washington's stay-at-home order extended to May 4

The state recently purchased more than 750 ventilators, which are expected to arrive over the next several weeks when Washington may need them most.

The country's top doctor, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams, said Americans are bracing for what he warned would be "the hardest and saddest week" of our lives.  Adams told “Fox News Sunday” that deaths from the coronavirus would make this moment reminiscent of Pearl Harbor and Sept. 11

Washington state’s “Stay Home, Stay Healthy” order is one of the most aggressive initiatives of its kind in the United States, according to Inslee. The Governor announced last week that he was extending the order until at least May 4 to continue efforts to stop the spread. 

Inslee said health officials have reported some success in flattening the curve in the state, but Washington is far from out of the woods. He also credits Washington’s success with getting ahead of stopping the spread of coronavirus early on.

RELATED: Real-time coronavirus updates in Washington state

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