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Bellingham 6-year-old pleads for blood donations on behalf of 4-year-old cousin

Caleb Stone's 4-year-old cousin in California is battling a rare blood disorder and there may not be enough donated blood for her next transfusion.

BELLINGHAM, Wash. — A 6-year-old Bellingham boy is putting out a plea for help: a nationwide blood shortage is impacting patients here on the west coast, and now his 4-year-old cousin can't get all the blood she needs to treat a rare disorder.

The American Red Cross says the nationwide demand for blood is up 12% while donor turnout is down 10%. Supply is the lowest it's been in a decade.

Officials blame the shortage on summer's COVID variant surge and people putting off donating as they returned to work.

The Red Cross, which provides 40% of the nation's blood supply, declared a blood shortage emergency in October.

"The Red Cross has heard that hospitals in several states across the country are having to postpone procedures at times as a result of the dire blood supply challenges," a spokesperson wrote to KING 5 News.

The shortage is hitting close to home for Caleb Stone, whose 4-year-old cousin Jade is battling thalassemia, a rare blood disorder that requires a blood transfusion every 21 days. 

"Her body makes the blood different," Caleb said.

Jade's doctors in California told her this week she can only get half the amount of blood she needs for her transfusion — one bag instead of two.

"We know that will impact her internal organs," said Caleb's mom, Jessica. "My sister doesn't sleep at night hoping there will be enough blood at the next transfusion and I realized there's lots of people who are sleepless at night thinking about the same thing."

So, Caleb decided to put together a brief public service announcement that his mom posted on Facebook.

In it, he asks people to donate blood for everybody, but especially his beloved cousin.

"Because the [hospital's] refrigerators aren't full," he said. "So, we want to get them full of blood."

Caleb's mom hoped his musical PSA would inspire people to donate blood and help her niece.

She didn't realize how many others are in need until she got a message from an old friend.

"She said, 'I know we haven't chatted in a long time but I want you to know that post was really impactful because my daughter was recently diagnosed with cancer, and we're also needing blood transfusions.' That was a wake-up call," Jessica said.

As Caleb finalizes his holiday wish list, he'd like everyone to think about his cousin, and all the others out there in need, as people plan theirs.

"She needs lots of blood," he said.

"We always think of our shopping lists this time of year," Jessica said. "We forget to realize the most valuable gift we can give is the gift of life."

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