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Survivor: Don't ignore warning signs of bladder cancer

A man who survived bladder cancer wants to raise awareness of its symptoms.

In his role as an adjunct professor teaching investments, Dean Junkans knows all about risk.

He worries that some people take a big risk if they ignore symptoms of bladder cancer.

"Pain,urinating, eventually I had blood in the urine and that was sort of a very serious sign," Junkans said.

He was diagnosed three years ago. Fortunately, the survival rate is high if bladder cancer is caught in the early stages.

"85% of these patients can be cured," said oncologist Badrinath Konety. However, he said there's a big need to raise awareness, especially since some may be embarrassed to talk about symptoms.

Half the bladder cancers are found in smokers, but Junkans never smoked.

Ultimately, he had his bladder removed and a neobladder constructed.

"Taking part of my small intestine hooking it all up creating a new bladder which is amazing," he said.

Now cancer-free, Junkans is not just teaching investments, he's also teaching others that ignoring bladder cancer symptoms can be deadly.

"Don't delay get in to see a doctor," he said.

The risk of bladder cancer also increases with age. About nine out of 10 people with bladder cancer are older than 55.

Caucasians are at highest risk for bladder cancer.

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