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8 tips for managing stress and improving your mental health

Seattle psychotherapist Ashley McGirt is a racial trauma specialist and public speaker. #k5evening

SEATTLE — Ashley McGirt is a licensed mental health therapist in Seattle, with expertise in racial trauma.

She shared eight tips anyone can use to improve their daily lives through self-care and mental health management.

TIP 1:

"One thing you can do every single day to make a difference in your mental health is start your day with Progressive Muscle Relaxation. Normally you want to do this in a sitting position, and I always start from the top of my head down to the soles of my feet. Essentially what you want to do is tighten your facial muscles - I know you're going to look really distorted, but it's important to really tighten those facial muscles - and you do that one to three times, and then you lift up your shoulders, hold it really really tight, and then release. You want to do at least three rounds of each of these so you're tightening your muscles, releasing the stress that your muscles have held on."

TIP 2:

"We should always speak to ourselves with grace and kindness. We have to be compassionate and remember that we are humans, too. How would you talk to your neighbor? How would you talk to your friend? Your child? Your partner? That is the same way you should be talking to yourself."

TIP 3:

"A simple exercise that you can utilize in the moment to treat stress, anxiety, even depression is something that's called 'tapping' - it's like acupuncture through the brain. It's a free tool you can do quick, easy, and at home. Essentially, you are touching all the acupuncture points and you're tapping through and relieving anxiety. You would start with your hands, the top of your head, down to your face. You can find all the information online. It's free, simple, quick and easy."

TIP 4:

"Sleep is very important. I always say think of it like your phone. Many of us will not go to sleep without charging our cell phones. We still need to charge our bodies just like we charge our phones. It is the way our brain charges. It is also how we relieve stress. It is important to also get adequate REM sleep as well because that's how we process some of the things we experience throughout the day."

TIP 5:

"Remember to reduce your mental load. You can do that by investing into things like paper plates. That way, you don't have to wash the dishes every single day and it's taking one less thing off your to-do list for that week."

TIP 6:

"Self-love is so important and one way we love ourselves is through embracing and acknowledging our identity. Research tells us those who have a solid background and understand where they're from and embrace their identity have better productive lives."

TIP 7:

"One of the biggest things I would recommend to you is to recognize your signs of stress. I have difficulty concentrating when I'm stressed. What is it for you? Do you have difficulty sleeping, are you sleeping too much? Do you stop eating? Know what it looks like when you are stressed, and also have people in your circle who can be your accountability partners who will know."

TIP 8:

"One thing I want you to take away from this is that it's okay to see a therapist. It doesn't mean you're crazy, it doesn't mean that anything is wrong with you. It's actually a preventative step, and I encourage everyone to see a therapist because we all can benefit from mental health services. I'm a therapist, I see a therapist, and I will always advocate for therapy as one of the best things we can do to improve our mental health."

You can schedule a free consultation with McGirt online.

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