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Weight loss surgery now being considered for teens

Doctors are calling it a game changer for overweight kids.
After weighing 35 pounds, Micaela Chapa lost 165.

Her weight has been her nightmare ever since Micaela Chapa can remember.

“I would wear dark, baggy clothes because I just didn’t like how I felt and I tried everything to lose weight my entire life. I was in weight watchers when I was nine years old.” Chapa shared.

Co-captain of her water polo team, Chapa fought off oncoming pounds with any and every diet. No luck.

By 17 she weighed 350 pounds, was pre-diabetic and suffered sleep apnea and high blood pressure. Desperate she asked her doctor about weight loss surgery.

“She was one of those patients that was super motivated from the get-go. And that shows you that, once you get to a certain level -- no matter how motivated you are -- all other ways of losing weight are going to be inefficient," said Matias Bruzoni, MD, FACS. Bruzoni is an Assistant Professor of Surgery and Program Director Pediatric Surgery Fellowship at Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford.

Adults usually undergo full gastric bypass surgery, but teens getting weight-loss surgery most often will turn to less invasive laparoscopic sleeve surgery called gastrectomy where up to 75 percent of a patient’s stomach is removed.

“These patients actually don’t have much of an appetite after surgery, and that helps with this whole recovery,” said Dr. Bruzoni.

Chapa has lost 165 pounds and has kept it off since her surgery four years ago by following a strict diet and eating small meals every four hours.

“I was no longer shrinking down, hiding myself. I was able to be this effervescent, boisterous person I’ve always wanted to be," Chapa said.

To be eligible, teens must have a body mass index (BMI) of 35 or higher, have diabetes, high blood pressure and sleep apnea. Those over 40 BMI may qualify without the additional conditions. But because this surgery requires lifestyle changes, too, not every obese teen qualifies.

More information at this link

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