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Are You Okay? | Religious individuals tend to be happier, studies show

Dr. Sylvie Shuttleworth, with Bastyr University shares her perspective on why religion may equate to happiness.

SEATTLE — A study by Pew Research finds actively religious people are happier. The same goes for folks who describe themselves as spiritual, too.

Dr. Sylvie Shuttleworth, the co-chair of the Psychology Department at Bastyr University, shared her perspective on why this may be.

 Shuttleworth told KING 5, the benefits of faith are structure and routine, which provide stability to one’s life. Also, prayer and meditation add balance, and the shared community religion creates brings a support system.

“A lot of religions and faiths encourage a process of reflection that leads to forgiveness and self-compassion, so that assists you in letting go,” Shuttleworth explained.

Her advice for getting involved with religions or faith-based communities is to first research options online for what you may be interested in. Then, call and chat with someone in the community. She said simply attending a service is also a great way to see if it’s a good fit for you.

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