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'Fandom brings people together': Thousands gather at Seattle's Emerald City Comic Con

Officials with Emerald City Comic Con estimate about 85,000 people will be attending the four-day event, the largest turnout since 2019.

SEATTLE — If you are in downtown Seattle this weekend, there is a good chance you will encounter people dressed as some of your favorite heroes and popular characters roaming the streets. Tens of thousands of people are attending Emerald City Comic Con (ECCC).

It's a bird. It's a plane. And yes, you may also catch a glimpse of Superman. All these things and much more can be found at the ECCC. 

"It's fun to be yourself. I don't really relate to the Riddler, he's a serial killer but it's fun to see other people be themselves," said attendee Silas Marx.

There's plenty of beauties and beasts flooding this iconic event.

Mallory Shoemaker dressed up as Belle from Beauty and the Beast, which she said is "my favorite Disney princess." 

 "[This is] maybe my 14th time coming to Emerald City, I've been coming along time. I love it," said Shoemaker.

And that love is shared by thousands of others. Seen over the weekend dressing up as their favorite characters from around the world, throughout decades. Attendees looking to see, and be seen, are descending upon the Seattle Convention Center.

"I think that nerds are awesome, and fandom brings people together,” said Shoemaker. “So Comic Con is just one of those places, that people naturally gather, and just love the things they love so hard, it's one of my favorite things about it."

Officials with Emerald City Comic Con estimate about 85,000 people will be attending the four-day event. It's the largest turnout since 2019.

"The bigger the better, they've expanded the venue, moved back into the old building and if they've got room for everything, let it grow, let it grow," said Dave Pacey, dressed as Captain Falcon from Super Smash Bros. 

ECCC is showcasing panels all day long and has about 400 exhibitors as well as 500 artists. The event runs through Saturday night, with the final day on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.  


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