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It may be raining liquid diamonds on Jupiter, Saturn

Chunks of diamonds may be floating in the atmospheres on Jupiter and Saturn, and scientists say at lower depths, the pressure may turn those diamonds into liquid, reports Space.com.
Jupiter and Saturn

If diamonds are a girl s best friend, Jupiter and Saturn must be her favorite planets.

Enormous chunks of diamonds may be floating in the atmospheres on our two largest celestial neighbors and scientists say at lower depths, the pressure may turn those diamonds into liquid, reports Space.com.

Some of the diamonds are so large, researchers at California Specialty Engineering say they could even be called diamondbergs.

Diamonds can form when elemental carbon, like graphite or soot created by huge lightning storms on Saturn, falls into the deep atmosphere of the planet where it is crushed into the gem, said planetary scientists Mona Delitsky and Kevin Baines.

Read more about the phenomenon at Space.com

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