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Kamiak High School honors Mukilteo shooting victims

It was an emotional start to the high school football season for the Mukilteo community.  Kamiak High School held a pre-game ceremony in honor of the three Kamiak graduates who lost their lives in a shooting just a few weeks ago.

<p>Kamiak High honored the three Mukilteo shooting victims before its first football game of the season.</p>

It was an emotional start to the high school football season for the Mukilteo community. The Kamiak High School Knights began their game with a tribute to the three Kamiak graduates who lost their lives in a shooting just a few weeks ago.

Anna Bui, Jordan Ebner, and Jake Long were honored with a moment of silence and a candle lighting just minutes before kickoff. The three teens lost their lives in a shooting during the early morning hours of July 30.

Jake and Jordan's family members were there for the ceremony on Friday, wiping away tears as they heard the school's principal speak about their children.

"These candles represent the light, the spirit, and the life these three individuals share with all of us," said Kamiak Principal Mike Gallagher. "The three candles will in turn be used to light the larger candle at this table, symbolic of our Mukilteo community and the contributions these three individuals made to our greater community, and the promise that together we as a community will be Mukilteo Strong."

School leaders and students chose 'Mukilteo Strong' as the theme of Kamiak's first home game, with players wearing 'Mukilteo Strong' stickers on their helmets, and special programs handed out that were dedicated to the victims.

Mukilteo Mayor Jennifer Gregerson also addressed the crowd.

"No community should ever suffer what we have, but what comes next will be a stronger Mukilteo," she said.

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