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King County unveils new extreme heat action plan

The county launched the effort following a deadly heat wave in 2021.

SEATTLE — King County and partners released their finished Extreme Heat Mitigation Strategy Thursday, following two years of research, discussions, workgroups, and outreach. The strategy lays out priorities and an action plan for reducing inequities in heat exposure across the county and limiting heat-related illness.

Work to produce the plan was announced in 2022, following a 3-day heat event in 2021 that took the lives of more than 30 people. King County wanted to address issues not just right before a forecasted event -- but through ongoing operations and preparations. The plan builds on existing programs and introduces new initiatives.

Altogether, the strategy includes 20 actions, which fall under six categories. 

Areas of work include helping people stay cool and safe indoors and outdoors, cooling neighborhoods, designing with the expectation of heat, increasing heat safety awareness, and supporting action on heat. They consider the ways people already cool off—such as enjoying water outside—and find solutions to make those activities more safe. 

During a news conference on Thursday, speakers stressed the importance of communication, partnerships, and coordination with community organizations. Emergency managers will ensure that communications on available resources are available in multiple languages.

To view the full Extreme Heat Mitigation plan, click here.

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