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KING Question: Who collects the 8 cents for reusable plastic and paper bags?

A KING 5 viewer wrote in wanting to know who collects the fee for reusable plastic and paper bags.

SEATTLE — In this “KING Question,” a KING 5 viewer wrote in wanting to know who collects the fee for reusable plastic and paper bags.

For this question, we turned to the state’s ecology department, which is in charge of the program.


Charles in Newcastle asks, “Who exactly is collecting the 8-cent bag tax in the state?"

Charles also asked what the collected funds are used for.


Washington State Department of Ecology


In 2020, lawmakers in Washington passed a statewide ban on single-use plastic bags to try and reduce plastic pollution, litter and waste.

The department first clarified that the 8 cents tacked on when using a paper bag or reusable plastic bag is a fee, not a tax. The fee goes to the business where the bag was purchased, not the state government or municipality.

The department said the fee reimburses the business for covering the cost of providing the bags.

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