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New police leadership in Seattle's South Precinct

A 22-year veteran of the Seattle Police Department will take over as the new South Precinct Commander this week.

<p>Seattle Police Captain Eric Greening.</p>

SEATTLE – Seattle Police Captain Eric Greening will step into the role of South Precinct Commander this week.

Capt. Greening joined the Seattle Police Department 22 years ago. The Detroit native is a father of four. His wife, who grew up in Seattle, also works for the city.

He is taking on the new position during a difficult time for the country.

“As an African American male, I have empathy. And being a police officer, I can see perspective from both sides,” said Greening.

Last week, there were two cases where black men were shot by officers, one in Louisiana and the other in Minnesota. On Thursday, an ambush carried out by a man in Dallas killed five police officers.

“To be honest, I’m sick. I’m disgusted, frustrated. That never should have happened,” said Greening. “Even after 22 years, sometimes I wonder, how do we keep going. But we have to keep coming to work.”

He started his career on Seattle’s south end, and now he’s ready to share the lessons he’s learned.

“Especially in the South Precinct, which is one of the most diverse precincts in the city, people of color do not want less policing, they just want constitutional policing,” said Greening.

He will start working in his new role on Wednesday. He will be the 11th Commander in eight years for the South Precinct.

“Chief O’Toole understands it is important to have a steady hand at the helm at the Precinct and have some consistency there,” said Greening. “I hope to stay for several years.”

Greening says crime rates are down for the South Precinct, but the area continues to have the most shots fired calls.

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