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Found a key in Olympia promising a $500 reward if returned? It's not real

Dozens of people have found keys with Emily Bergkamp's name and address on them, promising a $500 reward if returned. But they aren't her keys, and there's no money.

OLYMPIA, Wash. — The first time it happened Emily Bergkamp thought it was odd, but when it happened again the next day?

“Confusion turned to panic,” said Bergkamp.

She said her family is being targeted in an unusual form of harassment.

“We’re not safe in our home right now,” said Bergkamp.

In early March a man showed up at the Bergkamp’s Olympia home with a single key on a keychain.

“He goes, ‘I have your key. I want my $500,’” said Bergkamp.

The key the man had found said “$500 Reward if Found” and had Bergkamp’s name and home address, along with a Star of David, the symbol of the Jewish faith.

Since then more than 40 keys have been found, with most taken to the Bergkamp’s home, as late as 9 p.m.

She said repeated visits from strangers, who have been disappointed to learn they won’t get any money, have upset her family, including her two sons who like playing basketball in front of the family home.

“We never know how people are going to respond when they come to our home and find out there’s no money, this is a scam, harassing our family,” said Bergkamp.

She said the family is not Jewish, so she does not know why the keychain included the Star of David.

Bergkamp said she does not know who is responsible, but said her job may be linked.

She is the interim general manager for Intercity Transit, Thurston County’s bus service.

“I am a woman working in the public sector, in a leadership position, I make difficult decisions all the time,” said Bergkamp.

Olympia police are investigating as a potential case of harassment.

Anyone with information is asked to call Olympia police, at 360-753-8300. 

Bergkamp requests all keys should be taken to the police department, not her home.

“I really just would love this to stop and for the person who is doing this to be held accountable, because it’s not ok,” said Bergkamp.

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