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Police investigating after person vandalizes North Seattle home displaying pro-Israel signage

The homeowners believe they were targeted specifically for their support of Israel.

SEATTLE — A family in North Seattle believes they were targeted by a vandal because of their support of Israel.

Police say around 11 a.m. on Monday, May 20, someone threw rocks at the family's window, which had a sign in the corner reading "Seattle stands with Israel."

One of the rocks broke through the window into the family's living room. The homeowner, who did not want to be identified, said their children typically sit in that area before school.

"Had a child or any of us been there, that would be a major injury if not, potentially... it could have been a whole lot worse," the homeowner said, adding that the family was not home at the time of the incident. 

The homeowner said it took four separate 911 calls and over an hour for police to respond, which allowed the suspect plenty of time to get away.

"Someone being willing to do this means they're empowered, they feel its okay to do so," the homeowner said. "This isn't acceptable. We as society, even if you don't agree with standing with Israel, we have to be civil in disagreement. Resorting to violence and dangerous actions is never acceptable."

Seattle police said they believe there is only one suspect; the homeowner said that person was captured on a home surveillance system.

Regina Sassoon Friedland, the regional director of the American Jewish Committee - Seattle, said in a statement that acts like this must be condemned. 

"This and similar acts of violence and incitement must be unequivocally condemned by all Seattleites, regardless of race, religion, or ethnicity," Friedland said. "AJC will continue to proudly stand with the family targeted, with the Jewish community and with Israel. We will not be deterred by hate or intimidation from those who seek to harm Jews."

The Seattle Police Department said the case has been turned over to bias/malicious harassment detectives.


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