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POLL: Washington voters on abortion rights

Of the Washington adults polled, 20% said they would be more likely to vote for a candidate who supports federal restrictions on abortion while 49% said less likely

SEATTLE — A new survey shows Washington voters consider abortion to be a top issue in 2024.

KING 5 shared the poll results with two people, one who said abortion rights are a critical factor in this upcoming election. The other voter said he thinks people are more focused on other issues.

"For my heart, obviously, I believe life starts at conception,” said Brian Noble, the CEO of Family Policy Institute of Washington.

"Our reproductive rights and our access to basic health care are on the line,” said Courtney Normand, the Washington State Director for Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates. "Abortion is top of people's minds in this election." 

Of the Washington adults polled, about 20% said they would be more likely to vote for a candidate who supports federal restrictions on abortion while 49% said they would be less likely.

"I don't find that surprising in the least,” said Normand.

It does surprise KING 5 Political Analyst Rob McKenna. 

McKenna explained, “Democratic politicians really play up the abortion issue a great deal and try to make it sound like Washington's laws are under threat when they're not. So, it's surprising it's only 49%. Republicans have to realize this is a pro-choice state, and you, if you're personally pro-life, you better be clear that you're not going to try to take the choice away from people who are pro-choice.”

KING 5 Political Analyst Gary Locke said, "Democrats are going to have to keep emphasizing that who you elect to the Presidency of the United States as well as members of Congress matter on this issue of freedom of choice, and letting a woman decide these issues in consultation with family and doctors, but it's a woman's right to choose, and government should not interfere." 
"Affordable housing and homelessness, public safety, addiction recovery those issues are going to be much more prominent than the abortion issue,” said Noble.

Normand says after the rollback of Roe v Wade more two years ago, and the protests that followed, she remains vigilant.

"It has really been devastating seeing the attacks on people's rights even as close to Washington as states like Idaho, so here in Washington we really want to hold the line,” said Normand.

SurveyUSA conducted the poll between July 10 and July 13. It was commissioned by KING 5, the Seattle Times, and the UW Center for an Informed Public.

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