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'We won't back down': Pro-Israel counterprotest marches past UW encampment

In the meantime, university leadership said they are trying to get the protestors in the encampment to pack up.

SEATTLE — A dueling debate over the war in the Middle East took center stage on Sunday evening at the University of Washington.

In response to a pro-Palestinian student encampment that started quickly growing more than a week ago, a planned counter-protest called "United for Israel" began in the campus' Red Square and lasted for about three hours.

"There's people here that that do support Israel in this fight," said David Weiss, a supporter of Israel.

Weiss was among several who demonstrated in opposition to the encampment's protestors. In moments of direct confrontation, Palestinian supporters responded by shouting rally cries from behind barricades placed around the quad.

"I would like the protesters to actually open their minds to understand why what they're doing is, is hurtful," said Weiss.

Weiss said he is offended by the message of those in the encampment, and yet pro-Palestinian protesters said they see it a different way.

"Anti-Semitism is not the same thing as anti-Zionism," said Juliette Majid, a student protestor in support of Palestinians. "Anti-Zionism is standing against the apartheid state that Israel is inflicting upon the Palestinian people. It’s about standing against the genocide.”

Conversely, Weiss said, “I do think that anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism. It's anti-Semitism."

The counter-protesters dispersed after about three hours but wanted to leave a lasting message.

"We won't back down," said Weiss. "I think the protestors are wrong... their message just doesn't make any sense to me.”

Meanwhile, students' pro-Palestinian encampment remains at the center of campus,

"We stand for humanity. We stand for peace. We stand for the liberation of the Palestinian people," said Majid.

University leadership said they are trying to get the encampment protestors to pack up.

On Friday, a spokesperson for UW released a statement saying in part, “The university’s response to students’ call for change will not be based on an encampment. It will be through constructive engagement."

That statement went on to read, "We call on members to dismantle the encampment.”

That statement, however, has not yet seemed to dissuade the passionate protestors supporting Palestinians.

"They say escalation doesn’t work, I disagree. They say that us being here isn’t pressure on the university, I disagree," said Majid.

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