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Seattle discusses possible solutions to curb gun violence in the Central District

Seattle Parks, SDOT, and Seattle City Light joined Seattle police Thursday to address concerns about gun violence in the city's Central District.

SEATTLE — A panel of representatives from a number of Seattle agencies came together Thursday night to discuss possible solutions around recent gun violence in the city’s Central District.

After weeks of hearing from residents, the agencies told a room full of community members they are beginning to take action.

Seattle City Light is working to improve lighting and the Seattle Department of Transportation is looking at parking concerns. The city is also trimming trees to improve visibility. 

Councilmember Lorena Gonzalez hosted the committee meeting Thursday about gun violence in the neighborhood.

RELATED: Council members call for hearing after fatal shooting in Seattle's Central District

"I think what I am feeling and what I am hearing from members of the community is that this feels different," Gonzalez said. "They are really concerned about things they wanted to see get done that have been put on the back burner."

On May 10, two men were hurt, and 19-year-old Royale Lexing was killed during a shooting near 21st Avenue and East Union Street. No arrests have been made as police continue to investigate.

RELATED: ‘He deserved the world’: Community honors 19-year-old killed in Seattle’s Central District

"I have a sense of urgency around this because there was a fatality. I have a sense of urgency around this because we are continuing to see shots fired," said Gonzalez.

Seattle police said the Central District continues to see a disproportionate amount of “shots fired” calls compared to the rest of the city.

"What we have done in the Central District, we have added emphasis patrols in the area of both foot beats and bicycle patrols," said Deputy Chief Marc Garth Green.

Police will continue to do nightlife emphasis patrols in the Central District area this Summer.

Opportunities for youth, including the Seattle Youth Employment Program and a list of recreational options, were also discussed during Thursday night's meeting.

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