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'Families Belong Together' rally held in Seattle

A rally for "Families Belong Together" filled Seattle's Westlake Park on Father's Day.
"Families Belong Together" rally in Seattle.

Rallies were held across the country Sunday to protest the border separation of children from their parents. A group called "Families Belong Together" held a rally in Seattle's Westlake Park on Father's Day.

"Congress has the power to stop tearing families apart because all families belong together," says the group.

The Department of Homeland Security reported this week that 1,995 children have been separated from their parents in the last six weeks as the department enforces its zero-tolerance immigration policy.

The Department of Homeland Security reported this week that 1,995 children have been separated from their parents in the last six weeks, in what the department has called a zero-tolerance immigration policy.

The rally’s main speaker railing against the policy was Rep. Pramila Jayapal.

“On Father’s Day, we all want to be with our families. Parents should be with their children,” she said. “This is an administrative policy that can be immediately reversed. No legislation necessary. Americans across this country need to let the president know that this is wrong, this is not us, and we won’t accept it.”

Seattle's rally started at noon Sunday. It was organized by the NW Immigrants Right Project, CAIR Washington, ACLU Washington and the group behind Womxn's March Seattle.

The Hillard family of Seattle was one of the many families who spent part of their Father’s Day at the rally.

“We think that families belong together,” said Dustin Hillard, father of three.

He and his wife Juli thought it was important to bring their three children – 6-year-old Mikiah, 3-year-old Hannelore, and 2-month-old Miriam. Juli’s parents also attended.

“We want to have our kids understand what happens around us,” he said. “And that it’s meaningful to get out and support the things that we care about, and we really care about how other people are treated.”

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