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New Murray accuser: 'The mayor had a face you would never forget'

Maurice Lavon Jones said he had two "interactions" with now Seattle Mayor Ed Murray back when Jones was a teenager.

<p>Maurice Lavon Jones (Credit: Maurice Lavon Jones / Facebook)</p>

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The fourth person to accuse Seattle Mayor Ed Murray of sexual abuse is revealing more about his own life when he allegedly met Murray as a teen and some details about their encounters.

KING 5's Elisa Hahn interviewed Maurice Lavon Jones behind bars Thursday, at the Regional Justice Center in Kent.

Jones, 44, is currently behind bars in the court's drug diversion program. Jones prefers to go by "Lavon." He went just by the name "Von" when he was a teenager living on the street, back when he said he met Murray.

Jones, the second of three children, said he started doing crack cocaine at age 12 or 13, and prostituted himself during his teenage years to help pay for his habit. He said his mother also abused drugs, and he went into the foster care system and eventually became a runaway. He attended Washington Middle School in Seattle then dropped out of Garfield High School in ninth grade.

Related: Who was Ed Murray in the 1980s?

Related: Murray defends against sex allegations

Jones said he was introduced to Murray through Delvonn Heckard, the 46-year-old who is suing Murray for alleged sexual abuse. Jones said Heckard took him to Murray's Capitol Hill apartment, which Jones said was somewhere behind the Rite-Aid.

When he arrived, Jones said Murray offered him "drugs or something to party with." Jones said he declined.

Jones said he and Murray then had an "interaction" for which Jones was paid $30 or $40 -- the standard Jones said he would charge for his encounters.

"We did what we did and he gave me some money," Jones said.

There was a second alleged interaction with Murray. Jones said they met in his car near Volunteer Park.

Jones could not recall the date or even the year these incidents occurred. He explained, "The years blend together. I was on drugs." 

"I didn't have life experiences like birthdays or Christmas," he said of his life on the street. "Any day was just a day like any other." 

How does Jones remember it was Murray who he had this "interaction" with? Jones said he does not remember any distinctive features in regards to Murray's genitalia, which Heckard points out in his lawsuit. But he remembers Murray's face.

"The mayor had a face you would never forget," Jones said.

Jones also said that when he saw Heckard and Murray get together, he could tell they had an "arrangement" referring to an apparent relationship between the two. 

"It was obvious," Jones said. "It was familiar and comfortable."

Jones said Heckard is one of his best friends. He said Heckard came to him a couple of months ago and told he that he was getting ready to do something involving the mayor.

Murray has denied the claims made against him, and Murray's spokesperson called the claim by Jones “an ambush copycat false accusation.” 

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