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Tricked out Trump truck hits streets of Washington

Like the candidate he supports, John Beavers of Belfair, Washington, is new to campaign politics.

<p>The Trump truck hits the streets of Washington.</p>

Like the candidate he supports, John Beavers of Belfair, Washington, is new to campaign politics.

“I’ve never voted in 38 years. I’m not into politicians. I’ve never cared; this is my first year doing it,” said Beavers.

Now, he’s showing support in a big way, from making thousands of Trump emblazoned bumper stickers to decorating his truck with Trump stickers and flags.

“I drive it around every weekend to Seattle to Centralia, across the United States, wherever I can go,” said Beavers.

He's even planning a trip to Hollywood, California, before the primary in that state in June.

“They say he’s not welcome there. Well I’ll go and park my truck and hand out my free bumper stickers I’ve been making,” said Beavers.

When asked what inspired him, Beavers said he believes the unlikely GOP front-runner is being bullied by his many critics.

“There's a lot of things going on behind the scenes with the Cruz campaign,” said Trump supporter Todd Best, referring to an intensifying delegate battle and the chance of a contested convention.

Trump has alleged the system is rigged and penned a Wall Street Journal Op-Ed, taking aim at what he calls the “governing elite.”

RNC Chair Reince Preibus fired back, summing up his thoughts in one tweet.

Related story: RNC members on convention rules

“I think both parties are broken, and we’re in need of a candidate who can fix Washington, who can fix our country as a whole,” said Best. “We need a business leader to go into Washington, D.C. and clean house, to really bring back and restore America to greatness it once was."

While Trump’s controversial candidacy has revealed a highly polarized electorate, the appetite for an outsider is apparent on both sides of the race in what’s become an unorthodox election year.

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