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Valley Shuttle launches weekend service in Snoqualmie Valley

The new weekend service runs throughout the day between North Bend and Duvall, also making stops in Snoqualmie, Fall City and Carnation.

NORTH BEND, Wash. — People living in Snoqualmie Valley now have more transportation options. On Saturday, the Valley Shuttle launched its new weekend service.

The new weekend service runs throughout the day between North Bend and Duvall, also making stops in Snoqualmie, Fall City, and Carnation.

Although this weekend service is brand new, the Valley Shuttle has been running the weekday fixed route for years. The only fare to ride the shuttle is a $1 suggested donation. 

“Valley Shuttle has been running since September 30, 2013,” said Amy Biggs, the director of Snoqualmie Valley Transportation.

Biggs said the Valley Shuttle serves between 65 and 110 people per day. Now those people, and more, can start using the shuttle on weekends.

“It’s momentous. This is life changing,” said Biggs. “People are going to be able to get to jobs, people are going to be able to get to stores, kids in Carnation will be able to get to Duvall.”

She said this service was needed to give people opportunities to access shopping, medical appointments, jobs, and more.

“Carnation and Duvall have been a transit desert completely on Saturdays and Sundays,” said Biggs. “So, there's been nothing for them.”

It's not only for locals, she also hopes tourists and those coming in from Seattle will utilize it too.

“It's better if they can take Metro out here and we can get them around once they get out here,” said Biggs.

Biggs said the new weekend service was able to happen due to funding from King County Metro Transit and WSDOT.

She said their next goal is to expand their door-to-door shuttle to weekends.

“People have been saying, when are we going to get weekend service? So, it's really important,” said Biggs.

She hopes expanding transportation service to weekends will give people the options and resources to get to where they need to go.

“In a rural area, transportation is life,” said Biggs. “Our goal is just to continue to serve the people of the valley.”

They have already hired four new drivers for the weekend expansion but are still looking to hire five more.

The full shuttle schedule can be viewed here.

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