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Vancouver council candidate saves 90-year-old man's life while canvassing

"There was a huge puddle of blood on the floor and my heart sank," David Regan said. "I thought, 'We have to stop the bleeding and call 911.'"

VANCOUVER, Wash. — A candidate for Vancouver City Council was canvassing the Fairway Village neighborhood on Saturday, when he helped save a 90-year-old man who took a bad fall.

"I was just out knocking on doors, talking to folks," said David Regan, who’s running for Vancouver City Council position 5 against incumbent Ty Stober.

Regan was talking with 80-year-old Cora Ann Davis at her door, when they heard Davis' husband, Bill, yell for help from inside.

"He had fallen in the bedroom and hit the table," Cora Ann said. She and Regan hurried inside the home to help Bill.

"There was a huge puddle of blood on the floor and my heart sank," Regan said. "I thought, 'We have to stop the bleeding and call 911.'"

With paramedics on the way, Regan wrapped Bill's head in gauze and applied pressure to the wound to help stop the bleeding.

"That saved my life," Bill said.

Less than 5 minutes later, paramedics arrived and rushed Bill to the hospital. Doctors put five staples in Bill’s head.

"They don't look very nice, but they do the job," Bill said.

As for Regan's job, be believes he was at the Davis' house on Saturday for a reason.

"I chalk it up to God," Regan said. "I feel like the Lord put me in the right place at the right time."

Bill and Cora Ann agree.

"I'm just grateful that we've got such good people as David, here," Bill said.

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