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Well-known Seattle photographer Tim Durkan shares cancer diagnosis

Prolific Seattle photographer Tim Durkan shares about his battle with leukemia and how he hopes to inspire others.

Photographer Tim Durkan has captured some of the most memorable images of Seattle — from the Space Needle to Pearl Jam to the gritty reality of homelessness. His perspective of the Pacific Northwest has been shared all over the world.  

Now Durkan is sharing the unfortunate news of his cancer diagnosis, but hopes to inspire others through his battle. 

In late September, Durkan was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia, a type of cancer affecting the blood and bone marrow. In CLL, the bone marrow produces too many lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell. 

Durkan has been privately battling CLL with months of infusions. But doctors are hopeful his most recent infusion will be the last needed treatment and that his cancer is in remission. Those results will be known in the coming weeks. 

He chose to share his story now to encourage others battling cancer that they are not alone. Just as Durkan's photographs have inspired so many, he hopes his experience can be a support system, source of hope, and prompt others to watch for warning signs. 

"I hope that my revelations today will help prompt others to do your research, be aware of symptoms and get tested yearly - please!"

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Cancer and chemo Last September I was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) which is a lymphoma type cancer effecting the blood, bone marrow and lymph nodes. It presented itself fairly...

In addition to capturing the beauty of Seattle, Durkan has documented his sister's time in office as Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan. 

RELATED: Seattle photographer Tim Durkan published in National Geographic

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