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National Parks: Ken Burns on why they were America's best idea

For years, documentary filmmaker Ken Burns would tell people that the first national park he had been to was Yosemite National Park in California.

For years, documentary filmmaker Ken Burns would tell people that the first national park he had been to was Yosemite National Park in California.

It wasn’t until 2003, when he and his partner Dayton Duncan were filming “The National Parks: America’s Best Idea” at Yosemite, that he realized he was wrong.

After three days of intense filming, he found himself restless and unable to sleep one night. It was then that he recalled a trip he had taken with his father in 1959 at age 6 from their home in Delaware to Shenandoah National Park in Virginia.

“We had this just incredibly precious weekend together made all the more so because my mother was dying from cancer, a very slow and agonizing 10 -year process, and our household was grim and demoralized,” he says. “I bless Yosemite for waking me up to the natural wonders but also for waking me up to my own history. I was able to reclaim an entire trip that I had put away and lost. I could feel my dad’s hand in mine as we walked and the hike we took to the little waterfall.”

That’s one of many reasons Burns and Duncan believe so fiercely in their thesis that the National Park Service, which turns 100 this August, is America’s best idea. National parks, they say, have a way of connecting people not just to their soil but to their soul.

“You begin to have your memories or the important memories, the major signposts etched into your consciousness by the power of the national parks, and I can’t think of anything else besides tragedy--and this is the opposite of tragedy--that does that so well for us,” Burns says. 

Duncan, who has been to all 59 national parks, says Glacier National Park is his favorite because he took his now-wife there in 1985 while he was courting her. It was the first national park they visited together.


“With most people I talk to, if they have a favorite park it has something to do with the beauty of the park but it has more to do with the experiences you’ve had there and in particular the ones you’ve had with the people you love,” says Duncan, a former director of the National Park Foundation.

Years later, Duncan and his wife introduced their son and their daughter, now 25 and 28, to their beloved park. It was the first national park they took their children to.

They shot a photo of their daughter in the same spot where her mother had posed years before. Duncan and his son hiked to Logan Pass and saw mountain goats. 

“My son at the time wrote in his journal ‘This is the most exciting day of my life,” he says. “He was just thrilled by that. As a father, if you see one of your children say ‘this is the most exciting day of my life,’ that imprints that place as a special one in your life too.”

Neither Yosemite nor Glacier is the first to be designated a national park. That honor goes to Yellowstone National Park, which was officially named the first national park by Congress in 1872. It wasn't until many years later, on Aug. 25, 1916, that President Woodrow Wilson created the National Park Service, a federal bureau in the Department of the Interior, to preserve and protect the nation’s natural wonders.

Since then, the service's mission has expanded to not only oversee parks but also national monuments, memorials, scenic trails, parkways and more. It has a total of 411 sites.   

They are places not just for recreation but for research. The first director of the service, Stephen Mather, called the parks “vast schoolrooms of Americanism.”

“National Parks are the Declaration of Independence expressed on the landscape,” Duncan says. “We were the first nation in the history of mankind to say that the most special places should be set aside not for royalty, not for the rich, not for the well-connected, but for everyone and for all time.”

Burns says it could only have happened in the USA, which after the American Revolution was essentially an “empty canvas, this bare continent.”

“We didn’t have cathedrals. We didn’t have all that stuff that Europe did but we had these stone cathedrals,” Burns says.

Since 1904, there have been more than 13.5 billion visitors to National Park Service sites. Last year, there were more than 307 million visitors, the highest number ever recorded in a year. 

In 2014, national parks contributed $29.7 billion to the economy, according to the National Park Service. 

The National Park Service will commemorate its centennial with a series of educational and festive events throughout the year. It has also designated April 16 to 24 as National Park Week, during which all parks will offer free admission.

“We have an amazing variety of special events taking place during the centennial,” said National Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis. “Some commemorate our first hundred years, but many others look to the future, to the next 100 years, and will help connect with and create the next generation of park visitors, supporters and advocates.”

Nearly a century later, the parks have become an important economic engine for many states, as evidenced when the federal government shut down in 2013, closing national parks for 16 days. The Park Service estimated that the closures resulted in 7.88 million lost visits and $414 million in spending. 

“A number of states with big parks were begging for them to re-open because they understood just how much money they generate,” Duncan says.

The parks still face threats, some man-made, some not. At times, there has been a shortage of funding for maintenance, Burns says.

And in the case of Glacier National Park, nature is turning on itself. Scientists predict that within the next 10 years, there will be no more glaciers because of global warming. 

National parks “are great places for us to study and recognize both the value of nature as well as the value of our nation’s history,” Duncan says. “They can be kind of the canary in the goldmine to tell us that something is not quite right.”

Burns calls all the political bickering over global warming foolhardy and short-sighted.

“It’s just time to say, you know what? We all find our commonness as Americans in these places. Nobody is red state or blue state, nobody is Democrat or Republican, rich or poor,” Burns says. “We are all there and it’s a wonderful example of our possibilities of stitching ourselves together in a way our political process, our media culture, the narcissism of our social media doesn’t permit us to do.” 

For anyone who has not been to a national park, Duncan recommends heading to Yellowstone first for its geysers, thermal pools, waterfalls, and wildlife, including bears, wolves, coyotes and foxes.


“Yellowstone has this wide and wild array of features,” he says. 

Burns’ top five picks are Yosemite, the Grand Canyon with a side trip to nearby Zion National Park, Yellowstone, Arches National Park, and Glacier, in that order.

But it’s not necessary to travel very far to visit a park. They are sprinkled throughout the country, and, as Burns says, “I’ve never been to one that didn’t strike my fancy in some way.”

For instance, if you live on the east coast, Acadia National Park in Maine is one of Burns’ favorites.

In the southeast, he recommends the Great Smoky Mountains National Park along the border of North Carolina and Tennessee and Everglades National Park in Florida.

In addition to those in his top five, the West has Capitol Reef National Park in south-central Utah, Bryce Canyon National Park in southern Utah, and Canyonlands National Park in southeastern Utah, all equally worthy, Burns says.

“Just pick them,” he says. “There’s so many and they’re so great, and Hawaii and Alaska are practically just national parks themselves.”

Even the obscure ones are worth checking out, both filmmakers say.

Isle Royale in the middle of Lake Superior provides splendid isolation, Duncan says.

“It’s the biggest island in the biggest lake in the world,” he says.

With its impressive cataracts, Cuyahoga Valley National Park in northeastern Ohio, is “a graceful complement to the hustle and bustle of urban suburban life in America,” Burns says.

The filmmakers also have favorite spots within parks. Cadillac Mountain in Acadia is where the sun’s rays first hit the USA in the morning,

“You can say I’m jetting off to the Riviera and going to Thailand and I’m going to this safari, and all of those are great and should be done,” Burns says, “but there’s nothing like a sunrise on Cadillac Mountain.” 

The National Park Service will celebrate National Park Week from April 16 to 24. All National Park Service entrance fees will be waived for the week. The week will kick off with a National Junior Ranger Day on April 16 with kid-friendly activities. For more information, go to nps.gov or NationalParks.org.

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