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NAFTA changes could have oversized impact on Washington

Washington state faced uncertainty after President Trump pledged to terminate NAFTA and strike a different trade deal with Mexico.
Credit: Unasia9 | Wikimedia Commons

Any changes to the North American Free Trade Agreement could have an especially large impact on Washington state, because Washington is now the most trade dependent state in the nation. Exports are responsible for more than 30 percent of the new jobs created in the state.

President Donald Trump announced Monday that he plans to end NAFTA and pursue a separate deal with Mexico.

When NAFTA went into effect in 1994, it virtually made North America a tariff-free trade zone. And since the agreement was signed, trade has exploded between the U.S., Mexico, and Canada.

Although China is still Washington's number one export market, Canada is number two, and Mexico is the eighth largest trade partner, according to the Washington Department of Commerce.

When it comes to Mexico specifically, the largest export in 2017 was oil and gas followed closely by airplanes and airplane parts. Industrial equipment, computers, and fruit are also top exports from Washington.

Around 150,000 Washington jobs dependent directly on trade with Mexico.

Some of the state's largest companies are expanding across the border too. Starbucks and Costco currently have more than 500 stores in Mexico. Amazon opened a fulfillment center in Mexico City, and Expedia opened up a headquarters there too.

The Boeing Company says it's experiencing a "dynamic period" with Latin America while Mexico is experiencing modest economic growth.

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