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Two Washington cases linked to onion salmonella outbreak, including Kroger brand

Two cases of salmonella were in Washington state.

Federal officials say an outbreak of salmonella infecting nearly 400 people in more than 30 states has been linked to red onions and identified a California company as the likely source

The Food and Drug Administration says Thomson International Inc. of Bakersfield, California, notified the agency that it will be recalling all varieties of onions that could have come in contact with potentially contaminated red onions, because of the risk of cross-contamination.

Thomson couldn't immediately be reached for comment. The Public Health Agency of Canada is also investigating an outbreak of Salmonella Newport illnesses that have a genetic fingerprint closely related to the U.S. outbreak.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, 396 total illnesses have been reported to date, including two in Washington state.

Onions were distributed to wholesalers, restaurants, and retail stores in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Canada, according to the FDA.

The onions were sold under the brand names Thomson  Premium, TLC Thomson International, Tender Loving Care, El Competitor, Hartley’s Best, Onions 52, Majestic, Imperial Fresh, Kroger, Utah Onions and Food Lion.

The FDA says that salmonella symptoms include fever, diarrhea (which may be bloody), nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain. People who may have Thomson International onions or have prepared food with the onions are advised to throw the onions away and disinfect the surfaces.

If you don't know the brand name of your onion, you should throw it out to be safe, according to the FDA.

More information, including photos of brand tags, is on the FDA's website.

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