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Well-known Bellevue woman killed in bus accident

Police are still trying to figure out how a bus driver accidentally ran over a 47-year-old Nancy Biladeau, who died Thursday night as she was coming home from a trip to Trader Joes.

BELLEVUE, Wash. - For Nancy Biladeau, the Metro Bus was her ride to freedom.

She could take the bus anywhere, said Nancy's mother-in-law, Bunni Biladeau.

Bus rides gave her the freedom to explore Bellevue and she knew the town and many of the people in it, like the back of her hand.

Even if they didn't know her name they knew Nancy; she was a fixture on the bus routes, said Nancy's sister, Debbie Hagel.

At 47, Nancy had the mental capacity of a 12-year-old, but she took pride in feeling independent. For nearly 22 years, she worked as a steward at the Hyatt Regency in Bellevue and would take daily trips by bus to the library and the mall.

As soon as she entered a room she would say hi all! said Nancy's older sister Dawn.

Thursday night, Nancy was returning home from Trader Joes when the bus stopped to let her off.

She loved all the unique snacks at Trader Joes, said Bunni. Nancy waved to everyone and stepped off the bus. Seconds later the driver pulled off, and accidentally hit her.

I was on scene for a little bit after the accident, said brother John Biladeau. I said if I could hug (the driver) I'd hug him. We know it was an accident.

The family is comforted by the amazing life Nancy lived.

We're so proud that so many people lovingly attended to her, said Bunni. It means so much to us to hear all the stories.

If everybody could be just a little kinder to everyone the world would be a better place, said Nancy's sister Dawn. We are all better for having known her, and we are blessed for having her as our sister.

Police believe this was an unfortunate accident. The driver of the bus will not be charged.

Friends have put together an account to assist the family. Donations can be made at any Chase Bank in care of Nancy Biladeau - account number 3013026207.

Nancy's funeral will be held at 11 a.m. March 26 at St. Louise Catholic Church in Bellevue.

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