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Amazon partners with local nonprofit to provide students with a special experience

Students from Rainier Athletes will attend Amazon’s Winter Wonderland this holiday season, as well as benefiting from an ongoing partnership. Sponsored by Amazon.

SEATTLE — Rainier Athletes is a long-term youth mentoring program for students who face the biggest barriers to access in and out of the classroom starting in fourth grade. The organization pairs students with a dedicated mentor that meets with them every week, from fourth grade through high school and beyond.

“The mentors themselves are meeting with them every week to support that young person in really believing in themselves and developing a really strong sense of self,” said Jesse Franklin, executive director and founder, Rainier Athletes.

Amazon partners with Rainier Athletes to help provide kids with mentorship and experiences. This includes providing guidance from its employee resource groups, specifically the Latino resource group.

“Beyond financial support, which is really important so we can keep the lights on and pay for our staff, we recognize our students really benefit when they can see themselves in their leaders and educators and mentors,” Franklin said.

Mentors from the resource group can speak Spanish to ensure a student’s family is included and everyone is a team together. This partnership is an important aspect of Amazon’s mission.

“It’s critical to Amazon in terms of how we show up in the community, how we be a good neighbor in the community,” said Keri Pravitz, manager, community engagement, Bellevue, Amazon. “These hyper-local engagements really help us achieve our community engagement goals.”

Amazon uses the skills of its employees and overall success to partner with organizations like Rainier Athletes to make a long-lasting impact and find creative solutions to problems affecting the community.

“We need each other,” Pravitz said. “For Amazon, that engagement here in Puget Sound, we have really deep roots here. We’re committed to this community.”

Amazon’s Winter Wonderland is a three-pronged way for the company to be involved locally. This includes its decorated campus in South Lake Union to celebrate the holidays together, a toy drive and a toy giving experience. Amazon is providing the toy giving experience to Rainier Athletes students, including providing transportation, volunteers who speak Spanish and toys for the holidays.

“We’re excited because it’s a welcome event where we’re going to gather, and that’s a huge thing for Rainier Athletes and the community,” said Kaylia Balinbin, community team manager, Rainier Athletes.

As the holidays quickly approach, Franklin encourages people to be generous if they are able to do so.  

“If you happen to support Rainier Athletes, know you’re supporting community,” Franklin said. “If you support one kid, you’re supporting an entire community.”

Visit the Rainier Athletes website to learn more about the organization’s impact.

Sponsored by Amazon

Segment Producer Suzie Wiley. Watch New Day Northwest at 11 a.m. weekdays on KING 5 and streaming live on KING5.com. Contact New Day. 

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