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Southern Resident orcas put on a show in Puget Sound

The whales were spotted wake riding in the Sound Friday.

A pod of Southern resident killer whales put on quite the show in the Puget Sound near Bainbridge Island Friday.

SkyKING spotted the whales riding the waves and playing together. 

Recently the group added two new babies who were spotted alive in August. 

The southern resident population is the lowest since the end of the live capture era in Washington waters in 1976. 

The whales have been on the outer coast all summer, including an unprecedented two-month absence from their summer habitat in the inner Salish Sea, including the San Juan Islands. 

Spring and summer chinook salmon runs have been so low the whales had not bothered to come into Puget Sound. 

RELATED: Proposal would expand critical habitat for struggling Southern Resident orcas

RELATED: Will cutting salmon out of our diets save the Puget Sound orcas?

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