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Can you tell me the difference between drizzle, sprinkle, showers, rain and soakers?

Can you tell me the difference between drizzle, sprinkle, showers, rain and soakers?

Can you tell me the difference between drizzle, sprinkle, showers, rain and soakers?

Drizzle (or mist) falls from flat stratus clouds (called nimbo-stratus when they produce precipitation)...are generally 1/2 of a millimeter in diameter (or less)...and the rate of rainfall is generall 0.03 /hour or less. Rain also falls from nimbo-stratus clouds...but falls at a rate of 0.04 /hour or more...and the raindrops have a diameter greater than 1/2 of a millimeter. Showers fall from puffy, towering Cumulo-nimbus clouds...and are very localized...unlike rain. A sprinkle is simply a popular term for a light shower...while a soaker is a slang term for a heavy shower.

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