SEATTLE — Overwhelming feelings of burnout look different for every person. As the New Year begins, it's time to reevaluate your relationship with goals and how you can achieve them effectively without getting burnt out.
Kori Linn, a Burnout Coach for Womxn in Tech talks about how to recognize feelings of burnout early avoid its negative effects. Linn spent several years working in corporate IT, designing and executing communication strategies that reached over 25,000 employees.
"I particularly work with women because I work on social conditioning," Linn said.
In a tech environment where womxn were, and often still are systematically excluded from decisions or the the subject of microaggressions, burn out can manifest itself in a variety of ways.
She says that burnout isn't what people think, the result of overwork, stress, or a bad boss.
“The source of burnout is when we use negative thoughts and feelings to try and create positive results,” Linn said, referencing the way some people use stress at work as a motivator to be productive.
She categorizes burnout in one of 5 categories: Action Taker, Totally Tapped Out, Catastrophizer, Brightside, and All of the Above.
"Humans have a negativity bias, it’s very trendy," Lin said.
One strategy she reccomends with regard to managing burnout is taking negativity in your life, embracing it, and understanding the positive things that are also going on.
"[It's] layering joy and optimism," Lin said. "Bright siding."
Do you think you're experiencing burnout? Take the quiz to find out what category you fit into.
Segment Producer Derek Haas. Watch New Day Northwest 11 AM weekdays on KING 5 and streaming live on Contact New Day.