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Pandemic creates special risk for rural hospitals

WhidbeyHealth weathers unprecedented impact of the global coronavirus outbreak on multiple fronts.

COUPEVILLE, Wash. — The nation's healthcare system is under strain like never before, and it's threatening the existence of some rural hospitals.  

The crisis is attacking WhidbeyHealth Medical Center in more ways than one.

"We need help," said Helen Taylor, executive director of the WhidbeyHealth Foundation.

The hospital’s response to the coronavirus pandemic has required enhanced staffing on the front lines and the construction of new testing facilities. One order for additional protective masks racked up a bill for $170,000.

"Supplies that we need to fight COVID-19 right now," Taylor said.

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But the Coupeville-based facility is battling on a second financial front, as well.

Hospital CEO Ron Telles said, "Right now we’re calculating about $1 million a week in lost revenue."

That’s because, like most rural hospitals, about 70% of their revenue comes from outpatient services, which are currently frozen.

"These are really challenging times," Telles said. "Times that we’ve never, ever seen before."

Telles says strong local support gives him hope.

"This community went to bat for us."

From volunteers supplying homemade masks, to donors contributing money to the WhidbeyHealth's new COVID-19 Response Fund, island residents are stepping up to keep the hospital running.

"These are the immediate needs," Taylor said, "Things that are unusual for us, not daily needs, and that’s what we’re raising money for."

With a little help from their friends, these small-town healthcare providers plan to stick around.

Telles said, "WhidbeyHealth is 50 years old. We are going to be here for another 50. That’s for sure. It’s really a challenge, both clinically and financially, but I know we’re going to survive."

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